Transaction Management

Transaction Management
A transaction is an event occurring in the real world that changes the state of an organisation.
A transaction is an atomic unit of database access which is either completely executed or not executed at all.
examples of transaction: deposit transaction and withdraw transaction, reservation and cancellation transaction, book issue and return transaction, purchase of item and sale of item transaction.

ACID properties of transaction
A transaction is either completely executed or not executed at all.
The execution of a transaction should preserve database consistency despite concurrent execution of transactions.
The effect of non committed transaction must not be visible to another transaction. Each transaction must be executed in an isolated manner.
The effect of committed transactions should persist in the database despite any kind of hardware software failure, fire, flood, natural or man made disaster.

Transaction States 
State Diagram
It is the initial state. The transaction remains in this state while it is executing.
Partially Committed 
After the execution of final statement or transaction moves to partially committed state.
When a transaction can no longer continue to execute it moves to failed state.
A failed transaction is rolled back and the database is restored to its state prior to the start of transaction and then the transaction moves to aborted state.
After successful completion a transaction moves to committed state.
All the changes made by the transaction to the database is made permanent.

The execution sequences of two or more transactions is called schedule.
Types of schedule 
1. Serial and 2. non serial schedule
Serial Schedule
It is a schedule in which transactions are executed one after the other in a serial manner. It preserves consistency and isolation property of a transaction, but it gives low throughput, low resource utilization and low performance.

Non serial schedule
 It is a schedule in which instructions of two or more transactions are executed in a non serial manner. A non serial schedule may violate consistency and isolation property of a transaction, but it gives better throughput, resource utilization and performance.

From consistency point of view we define serializability. It is a concept which ensure that the schedule generated by the system when executed will have the same effect as that of the serial schedule.
Conflict Serializability 
A non serial schedule which can be converted to a serial schedule through a series of swapping of non conflicting instructions is called conflict serializable schedule.
Two instructions i1 and i2 belonging to transactions t1 and t2 respectively are said to be in conflict, if both i1 and i2 are operating on the same data items and one of them is write operation.
Types of conflict 
1. read write conflict 
2. write read conflict 
3. write write conflict


Precedence graph to determine conflict serializability
Precedence graph G=(V,E) where V is set of vertices representing transactions and E is set of edges representing conflict between transactions.
A cycle in the precedence graph means the schedule is not conflict serializable.
If the precedence graph contains no cycle, the schedule is conflict serializable.

From isolation point of view we define recoverability. It deals with the schedules acceptable from viewpoint of recovery from transaction failure.
There are two types schedules under this recoverable schedule and cascadeless schedule 

Recoverable Schedule
 It is a schedule where for each pair of transactions Ti and Tj such that Tj reads data items written by Ti, the commit of Ti appears before the commit of Tj.

Cascadeless Schedule
 It is a schedule where for each pair of transactions Ti and Tj such that Tj reads a data item previously written by Ti then commit operation of Ti appears before the read operation of Tj.

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